苹果怎么看? 谷歌将推出两款Android智能手表!_必威
本文摘要:Google is building two smartwatches that will use its AI voice assistant feature, a source close to the top-secret project has revealed. The devices, which are likely to be Nexus branded, are expected to hit shelves sometime early next year.据一绝密项目的知情人士透漏,谷歌正在研发两款用于其AI语音助手功能的智能手表。

Google is building two smartwatches that will use its AI voice assistant feature, a source close to the top-secret project has revealed. The devices, which are likely to be Nexus branded, are expected to hit shelves sometime early next year.据一绝密项目的知情人士透漏,谷歌正在研发两款用于其AI语音助手功能的智能手表。这两款设备将作为Nexus旗下产品发售,预计将于明年早些时候与消费者见面。The top-secret specifications were revealed by multiple sources to gadget rumour site, Android Police. Code-named Angelfish and Swordfish, each offer a different wearable experience, the sources said.“多名消息人士”都在小道消息网址“Android Police”上透漏了关于这一绝密项目的信息。

据消息人士透漏,两款设备分别代号“天使鱼”和“剑鱼”,分别获取有所不同的穿着体验。Angelfish is rumored to be a larger, sportier, and app with LTE, GPS and a heart rate monitor, as well as the Google Assistant integration. It looks similar to the Moto 360 and LGs Urbane 2nd Edition LTE.其中“天使鱼”将不会更大、更加运动,装载有LTE、GPS和心率监测仪等应用软件,还有一体化的谷歌助手。

这款设备看上去很像Moto 360和LG的Urbane2代LTE。It will have a smooth circular shape that curves where the watch band touches the wrist and just three buttons. Possible colours include a dark matte grey branded titanium.它的形状将是一个平滑的倾斜圆形,用表带被绑在手腕上,只有三个按键。有可能的配色方案还包括一款取名为“钛”的深灰色。

The second watch, dubbed the Swordfish caters for gadget lovers looking for style over substance.第二款手表绰号“剑鱼”,顺应了粉丝们侧重款式败于材质的市场需求。It comes in silver, titanium or rose gold, the source disclosed. Smaller than the Angelfish it has a diameter of 42mm and thickness of just 10.6mm, making it almost 10mm thinner than the current Moto 360. Its straps are compatible with Googles MODE bands too, unlike the Angelfish.据知情人士透漏,这款手表的配色方案有银色、钛和玫瑰金。

“剑鱼”比“天使鱼”额小,直径42毫米,厚度仅有10.6毫米,比Moto 360要厚约10毫米。和“天使鱼”有所不同,这款手表的表带型号和谷歌的标准表带上一样。

Both watches will offer Google Assistant integration, although details on exactly how this differentiates from current Android Wear devices is unclear.两款手表都将配备一体化谷歌助手,但是目前在细节上尚能不确切它们和目前的安卓穿着设备有什么有所不同。Following Apples Watch flop, many will be surprised that the search giant is making the investment in its own device when there are several Android wearables on the market.在Apple Watch早已告终的情况下,许多人都对谷歌深感吃惊,这家公司在市面上不存在着多款安卓穿着设备的情况下,依然在发明者自己的Android Watch。




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